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Vibe, Vibey, Vibiest

No one knows
what the vibe shift
really is

it’s hidden
behind a paid
subscription portal


I always want
to circle the word
“vibey” in green ink

write in the margin
“something more
concrete here?”


I don’t mind
“what’s the vibe?” or
“is that the vibe?”

invitations toward
shaking the sack
of reality


I need atmospheres
and ways
to describe them

after a pandemic
after the internet’s
unscented elevators


I broke my own rule
said “vibey”
about the party

with flower crowns
dueling pizza ovens
& a giant foot piñata


what I meant was
a pagan
almost Shakespearean

rites-of-spring party
under big oak
& waxing moon


its bright crescent
the same shape
as the sun

it had 88%
rolled over
five days before