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Cold Food Festival/寒食

Translation of a poem by Yen Ai-lin.

Cold Food Festival

WW I              WW II

guns                atomic bombs

poverty            desolation

pain                 sorrow

global summits

armament talks

Laid out on the diningroom table

(A cloud of buzzing

flies hover nearby.)

Wine poured

Splatters on a diner’s snow-white scarf,

Suddenly it’s……

blood blood blood blood blood blood            blood blood blood..

blood blood blood . blood       blood blood. blood

blood blood     blood.

blood   blood blood blood blood . blood

blood blood . blood blood

. blood blood

blood blood blood . blood

blood blood blood

. blood blood   blood

. blood

blood . blood

. blood

a flood…………..





戰爭I 戰爭II

槍砲  原子彈

貧窮  蕭條

傷痛  悲涼









  血血血血血血  血血血‧‧

      血血血‧血      血血‧血

          血血  血‧

            血    血血血血‧    血

  血          血‧    血  血

              ‧血        血

      血      血          血‧  血

    血                      血  血

    ‧                  血血      血

                  ‧              血

                          血‧      血

                          ‧          血


2 thoughts on “Cold Food Festival/寒食

  1. This title! This teachment! Arresting. And the character for blood looks like a temple or jail.

  2. It’s true—xuè starts to look like a temple or cage or gift. The blood/flood rhyme is starting. I keep thinking about 的氾濫. All the water. The feeling of something indiscriminate. Anyway I love this

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