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Painted Birds

we were so underground we mistaken ourselves
as seeds but the mechanism of roots never came

no tree pierced soil we were so underground
below undergrowth becoming coffins

we were at the bars one beer after another as night
blurred into many mornings a lyric lashed onto our

pumping machines pumping poems directly into
the waste of sky but no divination arrived head-

aches & mistaken adorations left us left out slinking
into shadows shirking common sense & amnesia

settling in to erase Miami pastel sunsets streets
flooding during high tide we believed in the good

-ness of others & the will of ourselves our friends
vanished while others we refused to let go we worshipped

love but were forced to make a go of it in a world dominated
by hate we went through fields of lavender fields

of sunflowers through the corn maze through the expanse
of the prairie parsed a pulse as we moved through redwoods

old stream still running despite reduced rainfall we measured
the fog & then there was hardly any fog to record we got old

we got lonely we got found & found again by each other
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Elegy for Tamara

four years
to the day

so open
we all were such lilting

young lungs that tattered

guitar twangy strings
hunched over in constant

tuning how is it
that I can see you

cradled over acoustic
body going back & forth

hands up
& down
all along
fret board
a chord a series of notes curls unfolding in a sway of

afternoon light

your voice yet now
when I see an old photo

of you
there is

as if replaying memory on mute

four years since
you died almost 30 years since we lived in

the same house

dogwoods in bloom
like we used to see in Jersey

the cherry blossoms
in a day or so
will be mostly

but today is
not Jersey
not Eugene just me

sun obscured by apartment buildings

but the light still floods,

with an open window
on a spring morning

setting your ghost free to breathe
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Happy Anniversary

I never intended to marry imagined I’d have books too many records whose length if played one after the other would last longer than the life I’d have left I suppose there would be friends thrill of morning coffee scent moving in & out of rooms occasional late afternoon tea the quiet of green pearls opening in hot water or maybe I’d only be able to afford a single room, still it’d be enough sun in backyard filled with poets all summer long fancy adult drinks with garnishes & beers aplenty once Nerissa sang while Des plucked an upright bass I still have photo of Ken with Ted whose holding a large flip phone 

the interior mostly subterrain (what they refer to in Boston as a garden apartment) but this was Brooklyn & it was simply called lucky lucky that is to live alone the place inhabited by two poets prior: first Amy & then Sommer that place got condemned the garden boxes dispersed ladybugs found new homes—such a delicate wind from their wings

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Life Cycles: Eugene Some Summer or Another

in Eugene feet thru high 
grass already going
yellow even though Autumn
is months away
abandoned field rumored
once to be hippie commune floppy
frisbee slits thru still
air Elizabeth’s arm reaches
ever upward Tamara
with a bag of books college
blues on weekday afternoon
how many days of rain
did we wait out
the sun a few sun-
flowers stranded
here & there our final
summer unknown
to any of us a season
later as pumpkins were carved
imagination remade by sewing
needle’s rhythm a bus back
to Philly broken-
hearted listening
to some mopey Sunday’s
song on repeat Utah
one stunning plateau
after the next road
stretching further emptiness
the boy next
to me from Alaska
living out his cracked
Kerouac visions how many
versions of ourselves enter
& exit periphery hacky sacks
hippies given way to hip
hop & graffiti bottom
of my jean pocket
lint of what
was left behind

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Elegy for Tamara

facts are the meat 
of robots but robots
can be selective facts
always subjective like blundering
into rumination of a lost
friend Tamara liked the tithonias
but I should
have planted more there
is no ceiling for AI
because it’s
the floor how
every billboard
in SF makes
me unforget
every department
meeting over a screen
in Boston we had lots of sun
we were young 5 to house
in a row of houses
in Eugene a lawn to nap
on bikes for quicker trips
to the river
to the woods
no one carried
a phone Elizabeth
had to wait
all day to tell
me that Allen
Ginsberg died my hands
still dirty from an afternoon
stocking records we took
a bike ride
I read my
Howl rip-off
poem to a stand
of trees maybe
later Elizabeth played
Joni Mitchel on guitar
her voice I still sometimes
miss today its tulips
everywhere & find
myself wondering how old
Tamara would be if she
hadn’t died the memory strung-
out from years in between death
courting sudden to see pictures
of Elizabeth, Amanda, Kim
myself & Tamara—glory Eugene
daze each lost in other each
lost in ourselves green
stems extending ever sunward
that particular green
the grass gets at 3 o’clock
sun boys in bunches some
of them in temper
tantrums girls all cupped
hands & whispers lame
thing about parenting
is how easily stereo-
types are reinforced like do
boys really
behave like that
or have I
been conditioned
to expect that wait
I was a boy once
but neither I nor
the robot remembers Elizabeth
is absent from scene a coast
in Oregon me standing
top of a hill wasn’t Dave
there Tamara on her side
half in sand
her face split
in laughter a picture
remembers what
I forget
I open
an AI browser
type in
memories of
a boyhood
naturally it’s all
gibberish still exercises
in futility
can refocus
the eye out
the window delicate
line of cream yellow
Tamara it’s Spring
again, let me
tell you about
the daffodils
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Terror Sleep

she draws & colors in a vigorous yellow sun so that from paper we arise to meet our other selves one breath at a time, one step followed by another cutting a curt trail across a landscape of terror be damned our mouths full of mango & we are leaving a trail of palm fronds
following a trail of palm fronds under a pastel Miami sky sometime or another I
finally fall into it & days
& nights come & go there she is now older singing Taylor in another city Tokyo a
disfigured bridge from there to here & here in this room
& here in this room slowly it falls over me, it engulfs me the terror 
of our waring world
the terror of capitalism
the terror of parenting
the terror of being alive
& accountable subsides into a hard fought slumber
a hard-fought slumber comes with less & less frequency still occasionally it comes which means there will most likely be a tomorrow there will most likely be these words & coffee & it will be May already & we are here for each other in between the words in this poem each with our own odd music
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Terror Sleep

I image being filthy in the deceit of debt, sometimes I too want to die but there’s a daughter who will awaken & say dad & if that space goes blank then the emptiness fills in & the terror starts to taunt a torture worse than my sadness 
a finite torture worse than my depression I imagine myself at a lake pulling jagged rocks from tattered denim pockets & although they won’t skip I wrist the motion, the aggressive thrust + belief in magic—a half-ass attempt
the aggressive thrust + belief in magic—a half-ass attempt to meet time in the eye un-idle hands until another day is done & daughter draws the shape of a tired sun so that means I must arise again & attend to the difficult work of staying alive 
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Terror Sleep

& because I could not sleep I forced myself to shut eye & imagine a butterfly but the monarch remained mystery & instead some winged thing smearing gray-white came fluttering & I thought fuck me is that a moth well might as well be Woolf-noise siphon to signal one zombie spirit blaring on speakers 
Woolf-static tap to signal zombie spirits deafening sleep slipped out window
while I am left
in mystery of black surrounded by deeper black a car passing drags the ear & then
falling silence
the terror of a singular heartbeat, how many do I have left thump thump goes
something night
thump thump went something seconds ago— an anticipation of another fracture, men desperate to kill each other & war is ever near rocks in pockets stone piercing hrt I did not want die not for you & your senseless horror I imagine burning all my credit cards getting dirty in the deceit of debt
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Elegy at the Cinema for Deaths Real & Imagined

Horror I am 
falling for it
like I always fall
for it this time
of year when pumpkins
are carved fangs
& bat sonar set
to feast brisk
breeze while
sun slips air
slowly turns color
of smoke threading
through last blue
& it calls to me
as it has called
to you twisted
desire to watch
madmen running
through woods
with revving chainsaw
or its Friday so let’s
let Jason play here’s
a hockey mask
& blunt wood seduce me
with urban hymns written
for final girl while
pretty skulls makeup
morning face button
up expensive shirts pull
up pressed trousers
white knuckles pulling tight
an argyle tie silent sound
obnoxious accumulation
offshore privilege oxides
belabored crystal chandeliers
stiff backs robotic legs move
in rhythm to dance
track loose light while
it filters through
abandon house climb
a hill to greet
haunting hereafter noose in
an antique amulet fading bronze
barn in a forgotten
town hunt moves
through too-tall corn
“He Who Walks
Behind the Rows”
thrash guitars mugging
sky cult kiddos
with bloodied choppers
flower crowns wilting
in hair slacker
slashers file into streets
top-secret hackers reeking
in airtight doom rooms
80s malls forever
our screens the screams
of teens every parents’
fear & perverse dream
ah there’s familiar Freddy
newly manicured
so settle in this is going
to be classic
male violence
& she sits with witching
eyes warming
waters & bears
with nowhere to
go radioactive ribs
alien feelings under
ominous moon cliché
full shadows of
fools ignore the
feeling of fear
tremble if you
must banal waking
hours horror almost
invisible comes to

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Terror Behaves Terribly 

there were rich people houses
in architectural designs I’d only

seen on TV shows & magazines
overlooking the bay or what-

ever swathe of water that money
pays for & there were flowers

in purples & reds & vibrant pinks
the succulents all ancient & leaning

towards where the sun sits throned
this time of the year content day

with daughter climbing rocks
running down hills, looking at

books & I thought back
in Boston no one has ever

even bothered to think
of me—that other life—

that stupid

ridiculous way that hurt’s
hunger feeds
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Double Sonnet

leafy greens like chard are okay
reading poems to trees I left

wrist verse to produce a list
wander a supermarket in a city

I only sorta know forget
my list so exit with cookies

& mangoes later trees
were hungry I offer

a shrug felt bad about that too
still the black on black ensemble

is stunning among the park greenery
tweed blazer a flock of birds

that would soar then sit on the high wire
a dance without a floor

feedback in a cave the thing about thinking
living in a feedback loop

with a bad ear & open
mouth the path past

the skate park with the David
Bowie jams project until

the astral winks back
too many bodies problem

television glitches fails to
fall forward into memory’s

static we float a photograph
of a wedding with thumb smeared faces

painting outside then the rain
super nice to be not so close
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another day of New England rain 
the guitar goes forward & backwards

a poetry reading of deep red poppies
all the murderers want your vote

emails go out to never return
band-aids are cuter than when

I was a little boy such a quiet
house I learned to tremble inward

the almost bloomed buds suppress
the futility of it all, soon Pacific

Ocean will wash over me
a little girl on a hill

holding hands with a friend
will lung forth all the life she’s got
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in the distance a drifting/ dandelion seed from language/ of nothing becomes/ birthing of windows/ red lights of school/ bus seen in early morning/ mist slow drag of/ runners in athletic blacks/ & purples an odd/ white bird Emma thinks/ is magical/ windows widow multiple/ dimensions cloud as feet/ & arms lengthen/ feed few memories fire/ call smoke language/ symphony city rabbits/ on weed-dotted lawns boxy/ white vans up/ & down stained/ streets window keyholes/ of blackness where invitation/ begins paintbrush smears/ thick black oil as/ paint folds upon itself more/ windows begin a simple/ yawn of existence as each/ did so long ago just/ yesterday I decided/ to begin again I/ walked thru the sky/ didn’t leave a note/
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Father (Sister) Fade

The summer 
a swollen
song in a wasteland
of wishes birds shushed
by the rip of a chainsaw
cord, crickets kept
to themselves sister
& I trampled
through wood, mother
depressed in bed
with a paper-
back you underlining
good lord’s truth
concocting new ways
to shepherd
the flock did misery
of your kids mean
nothing stupid
question since
it’s as simple as you
never bothered
to notice yet there were
rare days when you & I
shot hoops backyard
backboard affixed
to stately oak, or during
winter driving sister
& I to the hill
where we disappeared
on sleds all roar
& recklessness I don’t
remember if the sun
flames itself into oblivion
or if dream resurrects
you into paradise—
you always went
in for that lion
& lamb fantasy
whereas neither animal
did much for my imagination
but you preferred
parables & prophecies
while I scribbled
poems of love
upon the skulls
of sinners not
that I even believe
in sin once I was old
enough to enjoy
pleasure of pleasuring
myself I mean what else
to do with these stupid
bodies I know yours
was built for labor
from a young age you
intimate with work
how uncomfortable you grew
when your hands were left idle—
memory of late afternoon
me stacking seemingly endless
piles of chopped wood you
were already off somewhere
else hidden from sun
& sweat although we spent
all morning together—
mostly in silence—
me wishing my Saturday
could be spent almost anywhere
else than clearing felled trees
but that was all so long
ago so why am I
still petulant over lost
time another life
of mine given up
to slip stream to see
you for the first
time in years bearded
& dead in coffin
& to think of tenuous
intervals between father
& son funeral
home unusually
loud sound of big rigs
roaring down South
Carolina street jet-
lagged sleep crusting
corner of eye so this is how
it ends both of us
have seen better days
but endings end
on their own volition
& we succumb
to its submergence—
all this time
planting zinnias
b/c the house
was so boring
& unadorned they
grow scattered
& scraggly & they,
the not-presents for mother,
nor did their presence
bring you, father
joy so mid-summer
I let the excuse
of a flower
garden go zinnias
to never again grow
space simply covered gloomy
mulch how the brown sucks
up light & flowers remained
forgotten until they intrude
a dream somewhere between
memory & night-horror
in your death
part of me
has become
a kid
an indecipherable dot
trying to construct a bridge
to the other life, to balance
the account to accept
the misery & music it
with minor moments
of joy for I lived
through it all & to see
you laid flat to see
you felled left me
sudden sad over
years has seeped
& tinged all
days like water soak
sepia of an old photograph
emptied of cricket
chorus ‘tho twilight
still trills its magic off-light
in those early alone
moments before anyone
mouths mundane tasks
of morning I sit
with you father moving
through my mind while
I obsessively stack
memory on top
of memory tilted
& askew it rises
high enough to rile
up the low-
tiered angels not
that I believe
in anything other
than the science
of clouds but maddening
mood has me romancing
death like a sacred poem
used to line
a child’s throat
how to resist erratic bats
these sonar swoops the thing is
the longer I remain
middled on the bridge
the further away an entrance
& exit become stuck hovering
between sister’s death, your
death, grandmother’s
death & haven’t song
enough for any or all, but will remain
here & sing
sing & sing until
it brings on rain why
choose song or lament
the weather is always both

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thing of smoke & mystery tulips unfurl as gaping red mouths the scent of time already decay balloons rise skyward because a party past-tense is to be forgotten seeds & such an argument against the inevitable as memory itself is circular music in time out of time syncopated I Remembers like country music leaking through your pickup truck windows your kids becoming slugs all slime & complaint midway cross the Brooklyn Bridge each ferry in the distance a drifting dandelion seed puff
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As if, to discern time meant something different neither disparate nor desperate only a more subtle way of parsing what was already anywhere—an exemplary flood the sudden flush of green the flowing into & out as day colors to hay the tiny shoots crushed by a little girl foot to suddenly still then ravage the hill with roll after roll the music of root systems beneath as night lushes in speckles & we sit & sip around a low flame each tongue a thing of smoke & mystery
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& Because I Could Not Sleep

awake with what misery 
churns in the gut

with what liquid roughs

the throat saturates the mind
mindlessly turning from side

to side numb arms

of numbed-skull bleach bland bones
black flapping flags indecipherable

amongst deep velvet sky

pirated terror & idiocy I
mutinied crew frolicked the plank

& swam to rapture

ages ago so many Sundays
have passed unsermoned so I

off-key/kilter sang asunder scripture & song

of my dejected bottle after
afternoon green bottles prolonged

fatigue call it terror call it exhaustion

yet sleep slips
away sideways see

it glaring & glinting on the surf

my starburnt face tonguing
fucked-up seas for forever fire—

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Terror as an Emotion

When someone experiences 
terror their body &
mind may react
in a number of (un)acceptable
ways such as:
& strong
desire to
escape or
protect oneself
from perceived

Terror/their body/increased trembling/
Terror/ their mind/ increased/ desire to/
Terror/ their heart/ various/ways protect/
Terror their/threat/escape desire/from/
Terror/their threat/various mind/
Terror their/strong song/increased desire to/

Trembling increased body their terror

To desire increased mind their terror

Protect ways various heart their terror

From desire escape threat their terror

Mind various threat their terror

To desire increased song strong their terror

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Terror as an Emotion

In a psychological &
emotional context terror
is an intense &
of fear
or dread

dread fear: feeling of/or feeling as/intense terror/
or dread feeling/fear or/of intense terror/

In a as an emotion
In a as a nonphysical
In a as a context
In a as a terror
In a as an intense

Terror is often
characterized by
sense of
imminent danger
or a threat
that is perceived
as extremely frightening

It is often sense of
It is often sense of danger
It is often sense of imminent danger
It is often sense of frightening
It is often perceived sense of extremity
It is often terror’s extremity perceived


*fucking around/disrupting some ChatGPT language here.