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The Easter honey bee swarm then the hawk on the railing

this morning. A juvenile red-tail but I had to ask the tech folks

since they’re the only ones at work who reliably identify birds. Possibilities

like: cancel the meeting! cancel the rebrand! go talk

to the hawk. That one place in your neck connected to everything

that hurts or might hurt in the future, that’s possibility, too. Exhaustion like

baby’s after-midnight ear infection and lunchboxes half full

of rotting food left at school over the weekend. Persephone’s 

returned but what if her come back is moot. She’s back

but the weather is crummy. She’s back but a reporter still asks

a doctor who survived the Al Shifa hospital siege in Gaza if

her executed colleagues were terrorists. She’s back

and knows that post-resurrection is tender just like pre-resurrection

is claustrophobic, but I don’t know where we are in the cycle:

resurrection during apocalypse is reliably dicey.

5 thoughts on “Easter

  1. So good to see you here! *Definitely* cancel the meeting!

  2. this is stunning (both here, on the “page”, and in your voice)

  3. Wowwww. The voice here is so strong.

  4. That one place in your neck connected to everything

    that hurts or might hurt in the future, that’s possibility, too.


  5. Lorraine!

    . . . She’s back
    and knows that post-resurrection is tender just like pre-resurrection
    is claustrophobic, but I don’t know where we are in the cycle:
    resurrection during apocalypse is reliably dicey.

    OMGoddess yes!

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