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Life Cycles: Summer & Spring

sometimes/ it re-enters as tender/                               dream stretched/ -out road to/Fort Tilden

never-ending/  burning thighs Sameer’s/         laughing chide I/ thought         we were going/

to lose you   sun-smeared/bikes in front me/  trailing distance/   clouds/pulled straight as horizon/

forcing another revolution/ of chain & tires     eventually/ sanded with            sweat/ running

down/face fat dark berries/     shoved in mouth only/ time saw/        this swathe of water/

above swarm/. of white-gray gulls mass/          of people in deep/ distance 10/            maybe 14 

bikes/  littered along beach/   footprints thru sand   many names   already/ forgotten              or I 

never/bothered   to hear careless/ adventure   to kill/             an otherwise empty/Saturday—a 

blank slate/ blue   iron &/salt   soft/. skin         some quiet/ gossip       about someone’s/ absence an

outstretched/ arm   in hunt/    of an airborne/                        frisbee Blonde Redhead   coming out/ 

of phone/speaker   empties tangled/with seaweed   can’t/ remember              if I/ swam Sunday/

in bed             with books until/ mid-afternoon          light/ falling in stripes/             upon sore 

calves/ out  window then/      a single tree &/   parking   lot full/      of risers/ Chinatown gloried/

in its afternoon hustle/ it re-enters a life away/  from a life yet /         there is no thru-line that/

life this life circles/    sadself revolving with/   smilingself a floating/  center to see/             light

falling/ in strips some gossip/  a memory/     of a bike ride   to a beach while/        now out/   my 

window/  aged red-bricked apartment/ buildings thin trees/  with hesitant buds cars/ sloshing        

along street/  afternoon footprints in drizzle/  below oversized/ shrubs of brilliant/ green/  

my desk cluttered/ with books by Morgan/ James & Joe my own/     book asunder somewhere/

in the mess/ a word  the sentence/ an em dash/ a phrase a/ line collaboration of/ days & nights/

real & imagined/    friends held closely/    in the distance—

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Holy Week

Easter Sunday at the little dog run,
& the dachsunds are dressed in their Sunday best.

I’ll admit, I’ve been forgetting what hope tastes like,
after six months of Saturdays spent in the streets,

even a Thursday locked in a jail cell,
my cries falling on ears tuned in only to empire.

Holy Week came early this year;
after six years on the East Coast

I still haven’t learned my lesson,
& I shiver when the sun ducks behind a cloud.

But then the wind turns
& all smells of lilac.

Not lilac-scented soap or deodorant,
but the sudden perfume of aliveness.

This is only the beginning.

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April is here? April is here!

And we’ll be digging in mud-season style here on the Bloof blog, dropping some poem bulbs into the muck. That’s as far as I’m willing to stretch that metaphor. The point is, it’s NaPoWriMo time.

What is NaPoWriMo? It’s an unofficial, noncommercial, sans-sponsorship, egalitarian, world-wide (that’s GloPoWriMo to you, bub) celebration of poetry that induces a 30-day fever of daily drafts.

NaPoWriMo started 21 years ago when Maureen Thorson gave herself the challenge to write a poem a day on her blog and jokingly called it “national” even though it was just her, after NaNoWriMo, the novel-writing month (and now nonprofit org) that has been held every November since 1999. Shanna and a few others joined her on their own blogs the following year, and well, then it was a whole thing somehow.

You can read more about it at the site, where Maureen also very generously offers (optional) daily prompts, podcasts, feature sites, and other resources. (Pssst, we’ve got a new book of essays by Maureen, available here.)

Bloof poets are invited to post with abandon here all month. It’s generally a bit of a mess and a ton of fun to follow along.


Peter Davis
Natalie Eilbert
K. Lorraine Graham
Steven Karl
Kirsten Kaschock
Becca Klaver
Rebecca Loudon
Sharon Mesmer
Danielle Pafunda
JJ Rowan
Katie Jean Shinkle
Nicole Steinberg
Irene Vázquez
Reagan Louise Wilson
Elisabeth Workman
Shanna Compton