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There is nothing you have to start over

except this hat

Everything takes an effort

and when it is too much 

it is okay to change the hair of the little plastic doodads

A cancer is a secret my body was holding

and I knew it was there

When they take it out I want to see it

I want to show it to people sitting on my couch

and laugh about it

It was a nothing cancer

not that lethal

while a neighbor wonders around my house looking for his dog I am petting

I never had a strong feeling for gold

but I wear this ring made by my great-great uncle

Was he known

Was he known to be kind

Why didn’t he leave

If class is good I will draw a perfect circle for you all

I never want to leave hot water 

2 thoughts on “DISAFFECTED

  1. Please never fix this typo (if it’s even a typo): “while a neighbor wonders around my house”

  2. There is something so reasonable about wanting to show cancer as object to people. The strangeness and wonder of objects in general!

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